Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I know this is a tad late but I wanted to dedicate a post to Faith. My mama.

My cook, my nurse, my taxi driver, my psychiatrist, my teacher, my friend, my mama.

And I love her.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Smiling's my favorite

I might get a good laugh off of Christian pick-up lines. I've never honestly had a pick-up line used on me (And thank God because I have no idea what I would say). Maybe I'm drawn to the Christian ones because they are cleaner than most. Maybe its because they are truly hysterical, but for whatever the reason, I like them. Here are a few of the gems...

1. The Word says, "Give drink to those that are thirsty, and feed the hungry." How about dinner?
2. You are so unblemished that I would sacrifice you.
3. How many times do I have to walk around you to make you fall for me?
4. How would you like to join my Purpose Driven Life?
5. If we were around with Noah... then you, me?...pair.
6. Is it a sin that you stole my heart?

So there it is. 

Not an extremely in-depth post there, but I hope it made you smile. And "smiling's my favorite."

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Dirt Road

I'm going to take a slight break from my Ecuador story. 

The other day I was searching the nearest town with a Wal-Mart for a silver clutch. Think that's an easy task? Think again please. Not only could I not find a silver clutch. I couldn't even FIND a clutch! Oh the little inconvienences that living in a small town can bring...

I then dropped off my friend, Alexandra, at her house and made my way back to mine via the GPS I named Martha. It was getting to be about 8:30 PM. I'm a sixteen year old whose license doesn't allow her to drive after nine. The needle in Patricia the Jeep is slowly inching towards nothing. And I'm in the middle of nowhere following some ill GPS voice. 

Farms are all around me and Martha instructs me to turn down this dirt road. I'm not too worried though because I can see it intersects with a large paved highway about a hundred yards down. I roll down this dirt road and put my hands on the blinker to signify which way I'll be going when I look down at Martha and she's saying go straight. 

Straight where? There is a dirt road going to some folks house up ahead. I know I am about to pull up in their driveway all, "Hey! Martha sent me up here." The police would be called ASAP.

But for some strange reason, I trust Martha. I go down this dirt road big enough for one and notice the homemade speed limit signs near the ground. Fifteen miles per hour. Ok, I'll go fourteen. I pass the houses expecting more and then I'm surrounded by trees. Ok twenty miles per hour. 

I can almost feel big foot running behind me, I pump up the One Direction on the radio and bump it up to twenty-five miles per hour. 

A freak lightning storm starts. Hello thirty miles per hour. 

Its 8:45. I've got fifteen minutes to get home. Thirty-five miles per hour. 

By the end of the twenty minute dirt road escapade I was testing the off-road ability of Patricia the Wrangler at forty-five miles per hour. And finally I see houses. And praise the Lord the road is now paved. 

I congratulate myself on making it out of the death woods, give it one last look in the rear view mirror, and make it home by nine.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Ecuador part 4

Its hard to feel any sort of emotion at three am. But she was almost sad. So much had happened in that hotel in Florida. And the fact that she wouldn't be able to share the excitement of entering a completely new country with her friends was dissappointing as well. But as she slumped her way to the rendavous point downstairs her name was called. "Darria!"

"Jed!" she yelled back. Jed the ecclectic twenty-something year old man from Oregon who was homeless for a year just to see what God was up to around the country. Whose beard reached his shoulders. She was so glad to see this leader from her team. And then Amy Lynn turned around. The pretty blonde leader from Minnesota whose laugh was so unique it made you smile to hear it. So she wouldn't be alone. She had Jed and Amy Lynn. 

She should stop thinking she would ever be alone. 

It seemed the people in charge of this thing knew that at three in the morning teens are going to be hungry. So she was greeted with a brown bag that contained a cereal bar, some sort of juice, and a banana. 

As they boarded the tour bus that would take them to the Miami airport, the three munched on the earliest breakfast Darria had ever eaten. "Would ya'll like my banana?" Jed accepted without hesitation. Then Darria said, "I hate bananas." 

"Why?" Jed gave her the strangest look ever.

"Because they are pure nast. I hate the way they taste, smell, look, feel in my mouth, the sound people make eating them, I hate bananas." she replied with conviction.

About this time they arrived at the airport. The staff was quick and seurity was harmless. It went by in a blur. And then she boarded the biggest plane she had ever been on. She pulled the tray down, rested her pillow on it and fell flat asleep.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Part 3 of Ecuador

Her roommates in Florida were so sweet. Mekenzie (whom she learned liked to go by Kenzie), of course, was a roomie. Her bright smile seemed to make everyone smile back at her whether they were happy or not. Her blue eyes reflected her heart which was so full of God, it was impossible not to believe that she was the real deal when it came to being a Christian. 

Then there was Bree. Bree had the prettiest blonde hair that Darria had ever seen. It fell around her face in perfection. How she didn't have the frizz that came along with the Florida humidity, Darria had no idea. Bree's love for God was reflected in her love for people. Bree could become friends with anyone within seconds. 

Emmi. Emmi was one of the bounciest girls Darria had ever met. Emmi's high ponytail flopped all over her head as she talked. She was an extremely tiny, petite girl. But don't let looks fool you. Emmi was tough. She beat records and had scholarships in swimming. She would stand up for anyone in need and could make the best of any situation.

The Wisconite Hannah. Hannah definitely had the Wisconsin accent but her voice carried something else. Compassion. Her love for helping people was reflected in the way she talked. Her eyes had that same quality. A sweetness that comes from an ability that only God gives you. 

And Sharon. Hailing from California, Sharon had to be one of the funniest girls. She had a knowledge about her. Academic and Spiritual. A well-respected girl because of that. She would never wave her abilities in your face, but the way she handled certain situations showed that this girl knew what the deal was. 

The girls immediately made note of Darria's accent. Darria assured them that she did not have an accent but that they had one. None believed her. The girls ate their supper as they all tried to get to know one another. It was strange to Darria that they all merged so quickly. That people from across the country with such different traits and personalities could  come together so quickly and act like sisters. But then again, there was someone else in the room too. God. And when God sees fit to form a friendship. He does it on His time. And sometimes, like in this case, it was a matter of minutes. 

The girls met down in a conference room assigned to Team One and met the rest of their team mates. Them almost immediately they had to go try out for parts in the drama.

This mission trip was different than all other mission trips Darria had experienced. They shared the Gospel through a drama that used everyday toys and things. When she saw the whole thing through, it moved her to tears. The drama had an air about it that was completely heavenly. And to know the impact that this one drama had had on millions of people was thrilling to think about . 

Darria was assigned the part of 'China Doll.' She was honored to even be in the play but to actually get to be a toy? Overjoyed. 

During the day they worked on the drama, but at night there was a huge worship service with speakers. She had never experienced a worship service like this before. These teens gave their all for God. They didn't worry about who was looking at them. It was just them and God. She even saw some of the girls dancing! It was amazing. You could feel God all around you. She didn't really realize she was crying until Kenzie slipped her arm around her shoulder and prayed for her. As the music was blaring and kids were experiencing a time with God like no other. Darria and Kenzie prayed for each other. God was there that night, letting everyone know it too. 

They stayed three days in Fort Lauderdale. God moved in the hearts of the many kids and adults in that hotel. Darria found she had the three am flight to Ecuador. None of her room mates were going on that flight. She wasn't used to waking up so early but she knew God would take care of her. Hadn't He already proved Himself reliable? 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Part two Of Ecuador

The girl braced herself for a rocky landing. Because no one tells you about the smooth landings that happen when flying, only the terrible ones. When they landed all perfect and according to schedule, the girl's smile stretched from ear to ear. As she waited her turn to get out of her aisle, the girl saw that Olivia and Meredith, the two sisters, were waiting for her. She smiled even bigger. She would not have to enter Miami by herself. God is good. 

All of the girls exited the plane. When they were out of the terminal, the Cuban woman spotted them and pointed them towards baggage. Three escalators, two flights of stairs, and a tram later they entered the baggage claim room. That's when three college-aged looking kids in green shirts similar to the girls rose up to greet them. Meredith immediately introduced herself and her sister.

So when the older ones looked at the girl who thought she was going to fly to Miami alone, who wore a pink bow to cheer herself up, she replied, "I'm Darria." 

The one guy in the group of older kids remarked, "Oh, so its 'Dare-E-uh.' We all thought it was, 'Dar-E-uh.' Pretty." Darria decided she liked these kids. 

They all started to make their way towards another part of the airport, following the older kids. The guy addressed the group, "What team are you guys on?" Meredith and Olivia responded at the same time, like sisters often do, with the number eight. The guy slapped five with the sisters and said, "That's my team!" Darria felt a little left out when she had to respond with one. But she kept a cheery attitude because she was here in Miami, and the people seemed to be nice. 

They waited for a while and then a bus came and picked up a large number of lime green shirted children and carried them to a hotel Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She got off the bus hauling her bags and was attacked by a girl hugging her. She knew exactly who it was. Mekenzie Goley. I girl she met and corresponded with before the trip. Her dad runs the whole thing and they became good friends via texting, Facebook, and email. Again Darria thanked God. She wasn't alone. She knew Mekenzie. And Mekenzie knew everyone. 

After a brief chat, Darria had to go and sign in. She gave her passport to a very serious man and was told to find the table with her team number on it. She located the long table with the big number one on it and surveyed her soon-to-be leaders. There was a man with his hat turned backwards, wearing over sized sunglasses, and toms. And a woman with wild curly hair, a blue bandana, and the cutest shoes she'd ever seen. They approached her and said so enthusiastically that it almost scared her, "What team are you on?" 

Darria replied, "One!" A party erupted over at table one. The pair was giving her high fives and hugging her. Darria smiled and they asked her her name. Her name was checked off what she guessed was a list and then the woman proceeded to tell her what her name was. 

"My name is Lia and this is my husband Chris. Those two over there are my kids Judah who is eleven and Mattie who is nine. I have another one somewhere. He's Sammy and he's is fourteen." Darria looked at Lia and decided she liked her. She was someone to be trusted and she geniually seemed excited to be her leader. Lia was shorter than her which was something that always stood out in Darria's mind due to the fact that she was considered so short herself. Lia strung a couple blue beads around her neck and gave her a blue bandana that matched her own. Darria guessed the color scheme of Team One was blue. She smiled again. 

God never left her side. She didn't have to enter Miami alone, and she wasn't alone in Fort Lauderdale. She knew Mekenzie, and Chris and Lia seemed amazing. No, God wasn't going to leave her. She just needed to be open to the small gifts he was giving her.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Beginning of the Trip That Would Change My Life Forever

Last year I went on a mission trip to Ecuador that changed my life. 

Picture a fifteen-year-old girl wearing her "arrival t-shirt" of the brightest lime green sitting in an airport with her mom, scared to death. Scared of flying in an airplane. Not just because the last time she flew she was four, but also because she will be flying alone. Alone. To Miami. Even the pink bow she tied in her hair couldn't cheer her up. She was scared. Any on-looker could tell, and in fact a woman heading to Cuba for a family funeral made a remark to her, "Is this your first time flying alone, sweetie?" 

"Yes ma'am." The trembling girl answered with a nod of her head and a shaky smile. The Cuban woman replied that she would help her find her way to baggage claim when she got to Miami. Relief spread across the girl's face. But was quickly replaced with the same fear as before. It didn't help the fact that she still would have to fly to Miami by herself. On an airplane. And she knew not a soul. 

And then she saw them. The two girls wearing the same lime green "Never The Same Missions" arrival t-shirts that all going on this trip were required to wear. She didn't know them. But for some reason it was almost like they were friends. Their faces lit up as well when they saw her. She rose and smoothed her shirt and walked over towards the girls. 

The girls she learned were sisters. Olivia and Meredith Moran. When the flight attendants made the announcement that their class was to begin boarding, they all looked towards their parents. 

The girl with the pink bow in her curly hair looked toward her mom, all she could think was stay strong for me, don't cry, because I'm scared and you are the strongest person I know. But what she said was, "Let's get in line." The girl got in line and reached the front. Her ticket was scanned. Her carry-on sized. Then she turned around for a last glimpse of her mama. Her mother smiled, blew her a kiss, yelled, "I love you." And the girl turned away. To her flight. Her window seat. Alone To Miami. The girl cried. But not enough for people to pity her. Because that would surely make it worse. But enough to make herself feel better. For crying released something only someone crying can place. 

She turned on her Ipod and tried to focus on the twang of Easton Corbin, but the plane and its takeoff was beckoning all her attention towards itself. She finally pressed pause. Popped some gum in her mouth and chewed like her ears depended on it. Once in the air, the terrible feeling that the bottom of her chair was going to fall out was all but ripping her heart out. She wanted to stand up, but didn't quite realize how that would help any. 

The pilot never let them take off their seat belts because the flight was so bumpy. The business man next to her slept through most of the bumbs and jars. When a flight attendant awakened him to ask whether he wanted cookies or or peanuts, he looked at the frightened girl drinking her Coca-Cola and remarked, "Don't worry, this isn't anything to be afraid of."

"Thank-you." was the reply he got from the girl in neon. She then looked out the window.

After what seemed like forever. Miami was in sight. And the plane from North Carolina landed. Carrying a fifteen year old girl, scared, but ready to put her heart out there for God. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

1 Timothy 4:12

1 Timothy 4:12 says,  "Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity." 

God knows we are going to judged by those older than us. He knows that we are going to be questioned. That our motives will be twisted. The Lord saw that. He has been there. He was young once. And people questioned Him. 

I almost think its harder for young Christians than it is for those that are older. 

Now mind you, I've never been older than sixteen. I'm not claiming to know how it is to be 35 or 75 or even 17. I'm just writing from where I am, what I've seen, and what I've heard. 

But back to the topic of it being harder for young Christians than older ones. Not only do we deal with the same non-believers that plague those of all ages, but we have the unfortunate problem of dealing with Christians as well! People just don't take teenagers seriously. 

This isn't directed at everyone. I realize that many people respect and look past the age difference. Some don't though. And that can damage someones faith. When those that taught the faith to them don't believe in them. It hurts. 

Every person is different. I realize that most kids my age aren't after what is good and pure. But there are those that are. And they one day will dominate the population. Don't beat them down. 

On the other hand, teens, we need to be someone that people will respect. Have the fire that can ignite a room. But don't forget to be an example. Keep your speech pleasing to God. Be upright in the way you live. Love everyone like they are God's precious child with an unforgettable story, because they are and they do. Have a faith that moves mountains, that removes the obstacles through prayer and hope. And be pure. Pure in everything you do. Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Philippians 1:3

Philippians 1:3 says, "Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God." Not many people have that affect on us. 

You probably haven't even given a second thought to the lady you bumped into at the coffee shop this morning. Or the old man sitting in his car by you at the stoplight. But someone, somewhere, thanks God every time they think of them. Wow. 

This verse has been laid on my heart lately. And its funny, every time I read it a list of people, their faces, and a story plays through my head like a movie. The movie could go on for hours if I'd let it. Most of the things I think of are happy moments shared with that individual but I could recall a sad moment for each one if I tried. Its not hard to find either because when someone means something to you, you aren't afraid to show who you really are to that person. 

With all that being said I think its safe to say that everyone has someone that they thank God for every time they think of them. Remember that you, yourself has the power to hurt or heal anyone. Be someone that people thank God for.